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Dry January? Stay Sober in Style.

Whether you are or are not participating in the all popular "Dry January" (A trend of not drinking for the first month of the new year), I figured it's always good to have some alcohol alternatives in your back pocket for those times that your body needs a break from booze.

Just because you aren't drinking doesn't mean you can't be fancy and have pretty, yummy drinks. Check out below for some non-drinking tips to get you through the month.

Glassware, Glassware, Glassware

This one is by far the easiest switch to make, but still makes a big difference! Trade out your boring water glass for a wine or martini glass and pinkies up! You'll still feel like the posh person at the party, without any alcohol in the glass.

Bubbles over flat

Another easy switch, choose sparkling water over flat and and pour it into a champagne glass! Maybe even add a lemon or lime twist on top ;) Try La Croix or any of the other flavored sparkling for an extra twist and you can still enjoy all that bubbly excitement without the hangover.

Get real fancy with Mocktails

Mocktails have become a new trend across the nation as more and more people join the new "sober curious" trend or for a myriad of reasons just can't drink. There's countless recipes online of all your favorite cocktails, alcohol free! Try some of these below:

Cucumber mint lemonade: Muddle Cucumber and Mint, add 1.5 oz lemon juice, and 1 oz simple syrup, shake and stain into your glass

Mock Mule: Ginger Beer, lime-flavored seltzer, garnish with lime wheel

Shirley Temple: My childhood fave, sprite with grenadine and a cherry, always delicious!

Cranberry Spritzer pitcher:

2.5 cups of seltzer, 2 cups cranberry juice,2 tablespoons honey, 1 orange slice

Non-alcoholic beer, wine, and spirits!

Besides the normal St. Pauli's and Becks, lots of breweries have caught on to the sober trend and created some delicious brews with no alcohol. There's now Heineken 0.0 and Weihenstephaner wheat beer Alcohol Free, not to mention craft beers like Athletic Brewing Free Way Double Hop IPA and Bravus N/A Oatmeal Stout.

Wineries as well have joined the party, making everything from Sparkling Rosé to Cabernet Sauvignon, It's different from grape juice because it actually has gone through the fermentation process, but undergoes an additional process of removing the alcohol. Some fun ones to look for are Leitz Eins Zwei Zero Sparkling Rose and Ariel Cabernet Sauvignon.

Seedlip Distilled non-alcoholic spirit: This spirit allows you to make any of your favorite cocktails without the alcohol. They have awesome recipes on their website for CosNOpolitans, Espresso MartiNOs, MiNOsa's, Eastsides, Margaritas, you name it!

So whether you are diving into the New Year alcohol free, or deciding the Pandemic is enough to deal with and the alcohol is staying around for now, always remember these fun alternatives and we'll all get through this together!

Until next time, Happy Sippin'!

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Jan 03, 2021

Can’t wait to try a non alcoholic Moscow mule! Your article brings to light how you can still be festive without alcohol. Well done!

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