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Four Steps to Wine Tasting

Sight, Smell, Taste, and Opinion! Four steps to wine tasting like a pro. Have fun taking time to enjoy and appreciate your wine more fully or have a fun blind tasting test with your friend and see if you can guess which wine is in the glass!

Happy Tasting!

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Sarah Mathias
Sarah Mathias
Mar 22, 2020

Jenksmates, yes it works with white wine too! Just the colors will be different of course, looking for more straw, pale, or golden hues, and there isn't tannin in white wines so you would just be looking for acidity! But most all the same skills!


Mar 21, 2020

I love it -- I learned a lot! Now I know why I like what i do. Thanks!


Mar 20, 2020

After watching this video I am going to be much more confident when tasting and rating wine. Is the tasting process the same for white wines?

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